journal 12b

Journal 12b


In Doughty’s podcast concerning the topic most people avoid talking about and realizing she brings up some good points. She emphasizes that as a society we tend to not talk about it even though it may be a topic that needs to be discussed and as a culture we shy away from it. I tend to agree with Doughty in that death should be more talked about but not in the sense of the actual dying and loss of life but the celebration that should occur instead. I feel that the life of that person should be celebrated in grand fashion rather than the standard mourning phase and funeral system that is common in today’s culture. I feel that as a society we train kids to avoid the thought of death as parents hold back the reality with their kids rather than the hard truth that should be expressed. My grandfather recently passed and the only ones who really understood what was going on were the older children while the younger ones did not have any clue as to what was going on. Death should be expressed to all ages in the same manner because it is the hard core facts that they need to know. I know that when I go I do not want the grand funeral with the casket and flowers everywhere but a party to celebrate the life that I lived.