Journal 15

Journal 15


Page 2 paragraph 3

In this paragraph, Herzog describes the example with Jim that saying after he read the magazine about animal rights that his entire outlook on animals, for food, pets and other various needs changed forever. It states that after this he never ate meat again which shows the drastic change in the mind of people across the world and helps support Herzog’s claim that the opinion of animals is drastically different from person to person in the way they feel.


Page 3 paragraph 2

In this paragraph Herzog explains the encounter with the woman and her love for Snooty, her 120 pound sea cow companion. He explains earlier that the sea cow would not eat without his companion Carolyn feeding him. This paragraph shows the love for animals that Herzog epresses is inevitable when being with an animal for so long that Carolyne gave up on her vacations for the animal and even complicating her personal relationship with her husband accusing her of loving the animal more than her. This expresses Herzog’s argument that these animals even if they are not fully evolved to our human level they still attribute the same characteristics as we as humans do.


Page 4 paragraph 1

In this paragraph about the pet snake thinking the child’s hand is meat for him to eat contradicts Herzog’s claim that animals have the ability to adjust and adhere to their abilities and their responsibilities as a pet or even a companion for a human being. Although the child was just playing with a pet hamster and the smell was still on his hands after picking up the snack the snake, if capable of being a companion would understand the differences. This paragraph contradicts Herzog’s entire theory of animals being “Like Us”.