Journal 16

Journal 16


When reconsidering the Lobster article after reading the last few articles including “What the Crows Know” and “Animals Like Us”, my view on the treatment of the lobster in the article and the animals in general has slightly changed. After reading the articles I have a better understanding of how and to what extent animals understand and realize what is going on. I have come to the conclusion that animals know and feel pain. Considering the lobster, bowling them alive is by far the worst case possible and in my mind should be considered animal cruelty as the lobster, in my mind, can identify what is going on and the situation and feel the pain of being burnt alive. The most effective way to kill these lobsters and save them from their feeling of the harsh reality that they are about to meet their fate is the instance where you hit the lobster on the top of the head and killing it instantly. Although this may be the most gruesome tactic of them all in order to kill the lobster and prepare it for food it is the least pain the crab will experience as it will die on collision. After reading about and getting a better understanding of the pain and knowledge that animals have the awareness of it all and shouldn’t have to experience that especially in the case of boiling lobsters.